The Liberal Government is delivering on our commitment to rebuild essential services.

Hundreds of Tasmanians who have been stuck on elective surgery waiting lists, some of them for years, have now been operated on thanks to the Liberal Government.

As part of our $76 million dollar elective surgery commitment, we have provided $5.3 million for an extra 673 procedures between July and October across the South, North and North-West.

Today I visited the Royal Hobart Hospital where I was pleased to hear 133 additional surgeries, including 32 children and 101 adults, have already been delivered.

Among those who’ve benefited from the Liberal Government’s commitment is 21 year old apprentice electrician Nick Hanson, who had surgery three weeks ago after waiting three years for surgery.

“I first dislocated my shoulder playing footy for North Hobart a few years ago,” Mr Hanson said.

“I’ve had physio but it kept popping out and only surgery could make it right.

“I need to be fit and strong for work so it’s been frustrating and painful.

“However, I had successful surgery a few weeks ago at the Royal and now I’m hoping to get back into sport next year.”

Unfortunately, stories like Nick Hanson’s are too common after 16 years of Labor’s incompetence.

That’s why the Liberal Government has announced a thorough overhaul of our health system in order to deliver better outcomes.

The upcoming budget will fix the Labor-Green mess and deliver on our promises, including $76 million additional funding for elective surgery, which will deliver up to 15,000 extra procedures.

The Liberal Government is now laying the foundations for a long term healthcare system which puts the needs of patients back where they belong – at the forefront of every decision.

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