Tasmanians now have access to a new booklet to help them make informed choices about drinking as they get older. This afternoon I launched the Wiser and Older – Safer Drinking Throughout Life booklet developed by the Drug Education Network.
While there is a lot of information about young people and drinking, there is less about the effects of drinking experienced by adults and older people.
The booklet provides information on the risks of drinking and provides tips and information for low-risk drinking and other steps to take for positive health and wellbeing.
It also provides information on common prescription and over-the-counter medications, and the side-effects that can be experienced when consumed with alcohol.
Alcohol is the second most widely used social drug after caffeine. It is second only to tobacco as a preventable cause of drug-related death and hospitalisation in Australia.
The booklet is designed to be shared with family and friends. It encourages us all to play a role in the community conversation around safe and responsible drinking.
I congratulate the Drug Education Network for their work in developing this important and valuable resource.