Tomorrow’s State Budget will deliver a huge boost to the delivery of frontline health services in Tasmania.
Last year the Hodgman Liberal Government delivered the biggest ever investment in Tasmania’s health system and this year we will provide another huge funding boost for essential public hospital services, including elective and emergency surgery.

Our One Health System reforms will give us the foundations we need to provide high quality health services. The injection of an additional tens of millions of dollars in tomorrow’s Budget will enable the newly created Tasmanian Health Service to deliver these high quality services to more Tasmanians.

The Liberal Government has demonstrated since being elected that showing fiscal discipline across the whole State Budget allows us to invest in and rebuild essential services like health.

This new investment, just like our One Health System reforms, is about getting more Tasmanians the highest possible standard of care after years of neglect and frontline service cuts by Labor.

The Hodgman Liberal Government is putting patients at the forefront of everything we do in health. That’s why we need to maintain fiscal discipline across the State Budget, so that we can afford to invest in better outcomes in health into the future.

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