The Tasmanian Government is committed to protecting our frontline ambulance officers and paramedics as they strive to treat Tasmanians in emergency situations. Paramedics work to save lives and threatening or assaulting a paramedic should never happen – it risks both the paramedic’s wellbeing as well as that of the patient they are trying to treat.


People need to understand that a paramedic cannot effectively attend to the critical needs of a patient if they are worried about their own safety or are having to defend themselves.

Today I attended an occupational violence prevention program training session being conducted for Ambulance Tasmania by Tasmania Police. The training is now part of mandatory professional development for paramedics.

This is a practical approach which is designed to help paramedics de-escalate potentially volatile situations as well as learn “break-away” techniques.

I thank and commend Tasmania Police on their excellent work to deliver this important training – a great example of our emergency services working together.

Unfortunately it is apparent that some people must be made to understand the ramifications of their actions. Ambulance Tasmania, and its staff, will not tolerate such incidents and neither will the Tasmanian Government.

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