I refute any suggestion by the AMA that proposed changes to the structure of the state’s health system is unworkable – it is the broken system with regional barriers that has let Tasmanians down for far too long.
For many decades, the health care of Tasmanians has suffered because of regional barriers, with a lack of alignment between service delivery and community need.
The Commission on Delivery of Health Services in Tasmania commissioned by the previous state and federal governments identified this as a problem, as did many other reports dating back decades that weren’t implemented.
This Government won’t stand idly by while Tasmanians receive poor outcomes.
We are taking action, implementing the White Paper (which was supported by the AMA), which clearly details the need for a statewide health system with services which are designed to meet the state’s needs.
A proposal for truly statewide clinical services has been developed by THS CEO Dr David Alcorn, in consultation with medical staff, and is fully supported by the THS Governing Council. This is the appropriate body to make decisions of this kind.
The new approach will give Tasmanians better access to a greater volume of higher quality services, led by senior doctors, nurses and allied health staff leading clinical services – not bureaucrats.
Importantly, local hospitals and health centres will retain local management, and these facilities will be aligned by a statewide direction in areas critical to delivering better patient outcomes.
The Hodgman Liberal Government is delivering its One Health System reforms, which will deliver better health care for all Tasmanians.