As part of the Hodgman Liberal Government’s commitment to overhaul our health system, we are ensuring patients get the right care, in the right place, at the right time.

Through our extensive consultation process undertaken as part of our One Health System reforms, we listened to community feedback and we committed $24 million to improve patient transport right across the state.

Of this, $5.4 million has been set aside for the 12 paramedics based in the North West.

This investment means two additional ambulances are now operating in the Latrobe and Devonport area.
It allows Ambulance Tasmania to provide additional emergency and medical coverage during peak periods, supporting patients to get to the hospital best suited to treat their condition.

Plans are also underway to increase accommodation and garaging space at Latrobe, which will allow both crews to operate from Latrobe.

I’m very pleased to have overseen another key step forward in our landmark health reforms and wish our new North West paramedics all the best as they hit the road.

This investment to provide better emergency care on the North West, has been made possible with the Budget back on track and our record $6.4 billion investment in health over the next four years.

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