This coming week of Parliament the Government will continue our focus on delivering our long-term Plan to grow the economy and create jobs.
New figures released by the ABS show that Tasmania’s economy is growing the third fastest of all Australian States, and our export sector is the best in the country.
The Hodgman Liberal Government is taking steps to continue with our economy’s momentum, and the Premier and Minister for State Growth will provide parliament with a report on the recently successful trade mission to Asia.
Community safety remains a top priority for the Government, because we understand the community’s wish for stronger and more effective law and order policies. This week we will focus on our Plan to keep the community safe with the introduction of two significant pieces of legislation.
The first bill will introduce two new sentencing alternatives to begin the abolition of suspended sentences, which commences next year. Deferral of sentencing will require offenders to demonstrate that they are undertaking rehabilitation before they are sentenced, and the expansion of Drug Treatment Orders to the Supreme Court for the first time.
The second bill will increase protection of children from sex offenders by allowing for the application of protection orders to tighten the movements and rules around offenders on the sex offenders’ register. This bill will contain a substantial group of amendments to ensure the obligations placed upon registered sex offenders will further reduce the risk of harm to the community.
We will also be debating legislation to increase the first home builders grant to stimulate the housing sector, and legislation to cut red tape for poppy farmers, all in an effort to create jobs for Tasmanians.
While Labor is obsessed with reckless, hysterical scaremongering and political point-scoring, the Government is working with discipline and unity as we calmly focus on delivering the things that are important to Tasmanians.