Work on the $689 million Royal Hobart Hospital (RHH) Redevelopment continues to move forward with another four tenders for construction works to be advertised on the ICN Gateway in October,
This is the Hodgman Liberal Government’s Buy Local Policy in effect.

The calls for tenders demonstrates the Government is helping to grow the Tasmanian economy, while we get on with the job of building K-Block.

The latest opportunities are for a range of works including external glazing and aluminium louvres, temporary scaffolding, structural steelwork and external cladding.

The best way for local contractors to be part of the redevelopment is to apply for jobs as they are released by the managing contractor, John Holland Fairbrother Joint Venture.

The public advertisement of these tender packages will be staged during October, with the key components of K-Block’s contemporary façade – the aluminium sun shade boxes, window surrounds and aluminium wall cladding advertised today on Saturday 1 October, 2016.

Other packages are scheduled for public advertisement on Saturday, October 8 and 15, 2016.
Sub-contractors are encouraged to register their interest on the ICN gateway

In September we announced three Tasmanian companies – Hazell Bros Group Pty Ltd, Howrah Plumbing Pty Ltd and Macquarie Builders Pty Ltd, had been awarded $7.1 million in tenders.

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