Today is an opportunity to pay tribute to the hardworking, long serving, Tasmanian Health Service (THS) staff who are reaching a milestone in their working life.

Among the recipients of these 25-year awards for service are doctors, nurses, food service assistants, quality and safety officers, administrators and allied health staff.

There are more than 40 people, who have accumulated a total of 1000 years’ experience in the THS in the North, who have been recognised.

Some started their working life in the “old’’ QV and the “old’’ LGH and have experienced many changes at their work sites, as well as more generally in the health service to what it is today.

These dedicated individuals are the backbone of our health service – they do a great job and as the Health Minister, I value their commitment.

They are there for people at their most special or hardest, time of their lives and it takes a certain individual to do these kinds of roles, day-in, day-out.

Each recipient will be given a Harry Schrepfer handcrafted Tasmanian timber box, as a token of the THS’ appreciation.

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