The Hodgman Liberal Government values the contribution of our 5500 emergency service volunteers in keeping Tasmania safe. That’s why we have provided an injection of $2 million over four years for volunteer Tasmania Fire Service brigades and State Emergency Service units.
The extra funding sets up a grants system – the Emergency Volunteer Support Fund – to apply for non-essential equipment, training, recruitment and engagement activities and station upgrades.
Equipment could include items such as pumps, floodlights or items to improve the amenity of volunteer stations. This funding injection allows us to further support our valued volunteers in both the TFS and SES.
Tasmanians are extremely fortunate that our TFS and SES personnel are so ably supported by dedicated, highly trained and hard-working volunteers. Those who actively step up to help communities in their time of need are truly appreciated. The Hodgman Liberal Government is proud to acknowledge and support them through this grant fund.
The grants program will allow 224 volunteer brigades and 36 SES volunteer units to apply for supplementary equipment, amenities or technology to enhance the fantastic service they already provide to the community. After a consultation process, respective volunteer associations and agencies agreed that each agency will run its own grant program.
There will be one round of applications each funding year, with applications for the first round closing on January 31, 2019.