As the Liberal Majority Government continues to increase police numbers, I today heartily congratulate the newest Police Constable graduates, who begin their careers next week.

We welcome the 20 recruits – eleven women and nine men, who have completed a rigorous 28-week course at the Police Academy and three weeks of practical experience in various stations around the state. 7 new constables will be stationed at Launceston, 8 at Hobart, 3 at Devonport and 2 at Burnie.

The Hodgman Liberal Government is committed to investing in, and supporting, Tasmania Police by recruiting additional officers and providing them with the tools they need to keep the community safe.

One of those tools is body-worn cameras, which have been rolled out to frontline officers across the state. There are now:

• 80 in the Southern District;
• 137 in the Northern District; and
• 80 in the Western District.

Body-worn cameras have a number of expected benefits, including:

• Improvements to officer safety and more accurate records regarding use of force incidents;
• A reduction in vexatious complaints against police;
• Increased support to victims of family violence in court proceedings; and
• Changes in offender behaviour.

The Government has committed $3.4 million over four years to provide cameras to Tasmania Police, aimed at improving the safety of our hardworking officers and the community.

Applications are closed for the February 2019 recruit course but the August 2019 course is still open.

Anyone considering a career in policing is urged to visit the Tasmania Police Recruitment website at

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