The Hodgman Liberal Government greatly values the contribution of our 5500 emergency service volunteers, which is why we are supporting them with a $2 million Volunteer Support Fund.

The extra funding for volunteer Tasmania Fire Service brigades and State Emergency Service units allows them to apply for non-essential equipment, training, recruitment activities and station upgrades.

Today we can announce that $256,000 has been allocated in Round 1 of the 2018-19 grants program with 66 volunteer brigades and 9 SES units successful in gaining funding for items like high pressure cleaners, microwaves, generators and white goods to make volunteer stations more functional and comfortable.

Our volunteer firefighters have put in an incredible effort over many months during the protracted and complex bushfire season this summer. This may have meant that many brigades did not have a chance to submit an application for Round 1. Therefore, we have opened up a Round 2 of the 2018-19 grants program, with applications accepted until April 30, 2019, allowing our 224 volunteer brigades an additional chance to apply.

Tasmanians are extremely fortunate that our TFS and SES personnel are so ably supported by dedicated, highly trained and hard-working volunteers. This was particularly important during the recent bushfire emergencies throughout Tasmania this summer.

Those who volunteer their personal time and step-up to help communities in their time of need are truly appreciated, and the Hodgman Liberal Government is proud to acknowledge and further support them through this grant funding process.

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