The Hodgman majority Liberal Government is working with the whole Tasmanian community towards our long-term vision of zero deaths or serious injuries on Tasmanian roads.
As part of our Towards Zero Action Plan 2020-2024, the Tasmanian Government will invest $75 million to help save lives on our roads over the next five years.
Importantly, the Action Plan delivers $50 million for infrastructure improvements on rural roads, in busy urban areas, and for vulnerable road users across the state.
The Action Plan prioritises a total of 42 actions, the first kicking off today with the launch of a new road safety campaign, Don’t Drive Blind: Leave Your Phone Alone.
The campaign tackles the issue of unsafe road use for all drivers, especially among younger drivers, and is a reminder that when you take your eyes off the road, your hands off the steering wheel or your mind off the driving task, you put yourself and others at risk.
Further information about the new Plan and campaign can be found on the RSAC’s website at: