The Hodgman majority Liberal Government is supporting small business to create jobs and investment across the state with more than $1.6 million now available through a grants program to assist in delivering information and advisory services.

Small business is the engine room of our economy, supporting around 100,000 jobs and injecting millions of dollars into our economy each year – growing our small business sector creates jobs and increases investment locally.

Tasmanian businesses are the most confident in the nation, and with 18,000 more Tasmanian jobs since we came to Government, it’s important we continue to back our small businesses.

The Enterprise Centres Tasmania Grants is just one way we are supporting Tasmanian small businesses through our Business Growth Strategy 2019- 2023 and increasing the services on offer to small business operators.

More information about the Grants can be found at:

Applications for the ECT Grants close on Monday, 3 February 2020.

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