Topping off an incredible year for Tasmanian businesses and the economy, the NAB Business Survey has revealed today that Tasmanian businesses continue to be the most confident in the country.
This is great news for Tasmanians, as we know confident businesses invest for growth and employ more people.
With 16,000 more Tasmanian jobs since we came to Government, 1,600 more small businesses, and the fastest growing economy in the country with all industry sectors benefiting – there is no doubt Tasmania is now a great place to do business, with more opportunity for more Tasmanians.
Today’s results are a further endorsement of the Hodgman majority Liberal Government’s plan – with the most popular policies in the nation according to the Sensis – but we know there is more to do.
That’s why we’re investing a record $3.6 billion over four years into infrastructure across our State – into schools, hospitals, roads and bridges, and delivering record investments into critical areas such as health and education.