Keeping Tasmanians safe and secure during the coronavirus outbreak is the Government’s number one priority.
We also know that protecting our economy and jobs as best we can during this crisis is an essential task, particularly for the recovery on the other side.
So as the Premier said yesterday, I would like to reassure the business sector that we are doing everything we possibly can to avoid going to a further level of economically destructive lockdowns.
We have all seen the terrible impact of the stage one shutdown on business and jobs and we have absolutely no desire to go further, if we can at all avoid it.
As an island, we have a real opportunity to control the spread of coronavirus and that’s why we have gone hard and gone early with strong border protection measures.
If we focus on protecting our borders, isolating and treating people with coronavirus, and tracing, tracking and quarantining people who may have coronavirus, we can continue to keep parts of our economy open and lead the nation in returning to normal once the virus is contained.
As well, I know the business sector has worked hard to put in place proper safety measures that mean many businesses can keep working while keeping workers safe.
If everyone sticks to our plan, stays home unless you need to go out, and follows the rules, it will maximise the chance of us not having to go to a harder lockdown in Tasmania.

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