The Tasmanian majority Liberal Government is investing in the infrastructure our growing state needs with a $3.7 billion infrastructure program to maintain the strong economic momentum and create a further 10,000 jobs across the next four years.
Important work is continuing on the Richmond Road Masterplan, with the current stage of work including a new link road connecting Richmond Road to the Tasman Highway Acton Interchange. This will provide a more efficient route that avoids Cambridge Village and the busy junction of Richmond and Cambridge Road.
Safety improvements on 3.2 kilometres of Richmond Road between University of Tasmania Farm and Malcolms Hut Road are also included in this package of work, as well as upgrades to Boyes Street Junction.
Richmond Road is an important route for daily commuters, agricultural and commercial traffic, and is also popular with visitors and cyclists.
The Richmond Road Masterplan is being delivered in eight sections and will provide a safer and more consistent road environment along the 10.6 kilometre stretch from Cambridge to Richmond.
The Masterplan includes wider lanes, sealed shoulders, improved road alignment, junction upgrades and slow vehicle turnouts.
The new Cambridge Link Road is due to be completed by mid-2020, weather permitting.
Planning for the final sections is underway for upgrades on two sections of Richmond Road between Malcolms Hut Road and Grasstree Hill intersection.
More information is available at