Tasmanian businesses will play a crucial role in the economic recovery post-COVID-19, and we want to support them to do that.

That’s why it is now more important than ever to reduce unnecessary red tape and ensure a more streamlined and timely regulatory approval process to underpin the construction of affordable new homes and facilitate jobs through business investment.

The Tasmanian Liberal Government understands the burden of unnecessary regulation is a significant impediment to the efficient and effective operation of any business.

Removing unnecessary red tape is one key way the Government can get businesses back into action faster.

We have introduced the Building and Construction (Regulatory Reform Amendments) Bill 2020, which follows consultation with a number of key stakeholders, including the Local Government Association, TasNetworks and Taswater.

This Bill seeks to address sources of frustration for business by:

  • Introducing timeframes for minor permit amendments, which are currently not subject to any statutory timeframe;
  • Shortening timeframes for some minor processing decisions; and
  • Allowing permit decisions to be made concurrently with electricity and water and sewerage utilities, rather than sequentially, which again reduces unnecessary delays.

These changes are part of a broader range of reforms that will be progressively implemented and brought to Parliament this year and into the next.

By cutting red tape, we are rebuilding business confidence and making Tasmania one of the best places in Australia to do business.

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