Improving road safety and reducing road trauma is a significant priority for the Tasmanian Liberal Government.
That’s why we are investing more than $1 million through the latest round of Vulnerable Road User Program projects.
Vulnerable road users – pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists – will always come out worse in crashes with motor vehicles, and can result in serious injury or death.
About $800,000 in Tasmanian Government funding this financial year will help reduce casualties through infrastructure improvements that reduce the risk of motor vehicles colliding with pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists.
The remaining funding will come from partnering with local councils who are best placed to identify specific problems and practical infrastructure-based solutions on local roads.
This latest round of funding will support another 19 safety projects across the state, including raised crossings, pedestrian refuge islands, intersection reconfigurations, accessible disability parking, junction sealing, new footpaths, kerb extensions and electronic school speed signage.
In the past seven years, more than $4.2 million in State Government funding has been awarded to councils for safety projects, which, when combined with council co-contributions, totals more than $7.35 million.
As a community, we must work together to reduce the number of cyclist, pedestrian and motorcyclist fatalities and injuries, and improving infrastructure is one of the solutions.
One death on our roads is one too many. We are working hard to improve road safety through our $75 million Towards Zero Action Plan, targeting Tasmania’s highest risk areas to achieve the greatest possible reductions in serious injuries and deaths from road trauma.
Vulnerable Road User Program Successful Projects 2020-21 | ||
Local Council | Area | Summary |
Waratah-Wynyard | Exhibition Link | Install speed humps on Exhibition Link at the entry points to the Woolworths carpark and child care facility. Install uncontrolled crossing point between the car park and child care centre. |
Break O’Day Council | Grant Street/Circassian Street | Replace static sign and install electronic school speed sign |
Waratah-Wynyard | Jackson Street | Install a formalised pedestrian crossing, including kerb outstands, central island refuge, pram ramps, associated line marking and signage. Crossing will not be patrolled or provide pedestrians right of way. |
Waratah-Wynyard | Goldie Street | Install pedestrian median treatment and kerb outstands to provide active pedestrian control measures. |
Devonport City Council | Mersey Main Road | Install median refuge island, with associated line marking and kerb access ramps. |
Devonport City Council | Steele Street/Percy Street | Install kerb extensions and median refuge island, with associated line marking and kerb access ramps. |
Derwent Valley Council | Hobart Road | Install a pedestrian refuge island to establish a singular crossing point. |
Hobart City Council | Andrew Street/Arthur Street | Install median refuge island, pram ramps and footpath extension. |
Meander Valley Council | East Barrack Street | Install 130 metres of new footpath and kerb with pedestrian crossing. |
Kentish Council | Grandview Drive | Install asphalt path 95 metres long to enable a safe link from the well graded grass verge at the crest of the hill to the bus stop zone at Tarleton Road. |
Devonport City Council | Mersey Main Road | Realigning kerb and removing parking close to crossing and increasing the size of the school crossing islands. Installing the right turn lane for the school car park. |
Hobart City Council | Pedder Street | Relocation of the children’s crossing to before and further from the junction of Pedder Street and Cross Street (west). |
Meander Valley Council | Tower Hill Street | Install new footpath on Tower Hill Street from the Doctor’s Surgery to West Barrack Street, including pedestrian ramps plus driveway modifications, new road pavement for additional parking and realignment of kerb. |
Northern Midlands Council | Queen Street/High Street | Narrow intersection to approximately 6.5 metres and provide a designated pedestrian crossing point. Provide designated angle parking to the west of the intersection. |
Circular Head Council | Loosemores Road / Mawbanna Road Junction Barcoo Road / Montagu Road Junction Poilinna Road / Trowutta Road Junction Fairview Road / Bass Highway Junction Huetts Road / Trowutta Road Junction |
Seal the identified junctions using asphalt. |
Circular Head Council | Emmett Street | Construct raised, parallel disability parking space in accordance with AS2890. |
Hobart City Council | Harding Street | Construct a median pedestrian refuge island at the intersection on Harding Street and narrow the left turn from Clare Street. |
Launceston City Council | Norwich Street | Intersection reconfiguration including separation of Norwich Street and Rose Lane and central refuge on Norwich Street |
Clarence City Council | Lincoln Street | Install Zebra with platform (wombat crossing) with additional lighting and access improvements. |