The Tasmanian Liberal Government is delivering on our plan to accelerate water and sewerage infrastructure upgrades, improve the environment and keep prices lower to benefit all Tasmanians.
The 2020-21 State Budget and forward estimates include $160 million towards our $200 million equity investment in TasWater. This investment will conclude our buy-in, with $40 million having already been provided to get on with the job of improving our water and sewerage assets.
This meets our commitment under the 2018 Memorandum of Understanding between the Tasmanian Government, TasWater and Local Government representatives. This agreement provides for:
- A faster fix for Tasmania’s water and sewerage infrastructure, delivering $1.8 billion in upgrades sooner than planned;
- New shared governance arrangements;
- State Government and Local Government working together on infrastructure planning, ensuring a whole-of-state economic and environmental focus;
- An assurance councils are no worse off so rates won’t need to rise; and
- Limiting price increases and accelerating infrastructure investment.
In addition to the capital contribution, the Tasmanian Government will commence providing grant funding at the end of the forward estimates period, with the first of five planned $20 million grant contributions to be made.
This grant funding will assist with projects, such as the removal of the Macquarie Point wastewater treatment plant.
This Budget is about creating the jobs, confidence and certainty businesses and the community needs to recover, reinvigorate our economy and rebuild a stronger Tasmania.