Metro Tasmania’s 100th new Tasmanian-built bus is due to be delivered in May 2021, through the organisation’s accelerated bus replacement program, supported by the Tasmanian Liberal Government.

This decision has created jobs and manufacturing capability right here in Tasmania.

In great news for Tasmania, and particularly the North-West, Metro is extending its contract to purchase an additional 26 buses, which will also be built at Elphinstone in Wynyard.

This $12.25 million investment is a welcome boost for manufacturing and local jobs in the North-West, aligned with the Tasmanian Liberal Government’s Buy Local Policy.

Importantly, the extended contract means continued direct employment for more than 20 people in the North-West.

The extra 26 buses are next-generation specification, and are DDA-compliant, with the most carbon efficient technology available.

Additionally, the new buses can be converted to battery electric or hydrogen fuel cell drivetrain down the track.

That means, as well as being more fuel efficient and cheaper to maintain, this bus design means they have the potential to support Tasmania’s emerging hydrogen sector and assist our transition to a low carbon economy.

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