The Liberal Government is keeping our election promises, fixing the budget mess and laying the foundations for a brighter future.

Our four point reform plan, One State, One Health System; Better Outcomes, will give Tasmanians the health care they need and deserve.

Our plan will put the needs of patients back where they belong – at the forefront of every decision.

Our commitment to patient care is exemplified by the hardworking staff at the St Johns Campus Renal Unit, which have achieved impressive results to tackle the global challenge of hospital acquired infection.

A hand hygiene program, backed by the World Health Organisation, has reached an outstanding compliance rate of 94 per cent, far exceeding the statewide target of 70 per cent compliance and easily meeting the national average of 80 per cent compliance.

According to WHO, washing your hands with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water is one of the single most effective ways to prevent the spread of dangerous infections.

Currently, about six per cent of hospital patients contract an infection and unnecessarily end up getting sicker and staying longer.

The Liberal Government is committed to using our health services more efficiently and with the simple act of improving hand hygiene, we will free up those beds and resources to deliver better health care.

In fact, since the introduction of the hand hygiene program, the infection rate of Golden Staph at the Royal Hobart Hospital has more than halved to in March 2014 to 0.8 cases per 10,000 bed days – well below the national average.

Further improving hand hygiene for staff is the ‘Bare Below the Elbow’ campaign – no watch, no jewellery, no false nails, no long sleeves and keeping lanyards out of the way when treating a patient.

I congratulate the Renal Unit on their accomplishment and contribution to making Tasmania one of the healthiest populations in the country.

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