With Parliament to resume this week, all the pressure is on new Labor leader Rebecca White.

Since becoming Labor leader over two weeks ago, the inexperienced Ms White has been virtually invisible.

Ms White has only held three media conferences over that period, which makes it appear that she is trying to hide from scrutiny.

In addition, she hasn’t been seen north of Oatlands, posing the question – does Labor under Ms White even care about the North and North West?

The fact is, while Labor has a new leader, nothing has changed.

They still oppose our Taswater takeover plan, they still oppose the Mt Wellington cable car, they are still soft on salmon, and Ms White herself has said she’s open to governing in minority with the Greens.

This week’s Parliament will be a real test for Ms White – can she demonstrate she’s any different to her mentor, the former leader Mr Green? Will she come out of hiding?

Or will it be more of the same – scaremongering, false claims dressed up as questions, political game-playing – with nothing positive to offer the people of Tasmania?

My money is on the latter.

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