We need to do better for all Australians who are being left behind, including our Aboriginal brothers and sisters. Do we need to change our constitution to do this, or do we need to take real action?
It was such an eye opener to meet with and listen to Jacinta Nampijinpa Price and Warren Mundine who are asking us to “Vote No to the voice of division”.
Anthony Albanese is leaving all the key details for later on. For the person proposing to change the nation’s founding document – the rulebook which governs all of us, even the Federal Parliament, that is a weak position to take and just won’t work.
It’s clear that the High Court will end up determining all sorts of disputes that are now inevitable. The High Court is a higher authority than Parliament on interpretation of the constitution. All this means uncertainty.
I’ve carefully thought this through and have decided that this proposal is just too risky, and won’t even promote true unity among Australians.
I’ll be voting No to changing our Constitution.