The Hodgman majority Liberal Government is committed to reducing traffic congestion, building a better public transport service, while supporting our advanced manufacturing industries and improving the lives of all Tasmanians.
The latest Metro Tasmania annual report confirms more Tasmanians are embracing public transport as their mode of transportation to get to work, school and visit friends and family.
The report confirmed that for a sixth consecutive year, patronage has grown, with 8.5 million boardings in 2018/19 – this is a 2.2 per cent increase over 2017/18.
The Hodgman majority Liberal Government has a long-term plan for Tasmania and we are delivering it. In contrast, Labor has no plan, they stand for nothing, they spread mistruths about our infrastructure program and they simply cannot be trusted.
It was this Government that invested $45 million in the single largest public transport project to deliver 100 new locally built low floor buses. This vital transport capital project is on time, on budget and creating jobs in North-West Tasmania.
It’s pleasing to see that this program is delivering a new bus every 10 days, creating jobs and boosting our advanced manufacturing sector.