Tonight the Tasmanian Parliament voted on the issue of marriage. It’s a matter for the Commonwealth, as confirmed by the High Court. Nonetheless, the vote was carried and I voted for the traditional definition of marriage as I’ve committed to do before my election by the voters of Bass.

What must be noted, is a MAJOR step forward for free speech in Tasmania – at a time when a church leader has been taken to the Anti Discrimination Commission for sharing the Church’s beliefs on marriage.

Tonight the Parliament supported a Liberal motion which: “Affirms its strong support for every Tasmanian to enjoy full freedom of belief and freedom of expression in a respectful debate leading up to the national plebiscite proposed by the Federal Government.”

Also, the Government has indicated that the Anti Discrimination Act needs to be reviewed to ensure principles of free speech are protected.

Whatever your view on this issue, we all should applaud that the Parliament has endorsed a debate where the views of every Tasmanian are welcome and accorded the respect that everyone deserves.

Hope Discovery Playground – for all kids

The Liberal Government is committed to restoring our essential services and supporting Tasmanian families.

Today I joined staff from the Door of Hope in Launceston, visiting the site that will become the Hope Discovery Playground, a disability and family-inclusive playground in Launceston.

Door of Hope does amazing work in Launceston supporting children living with a disability and their families.

The Liberal Government is proud to support them, providing $80,000 towards the construction of the Hope Discovery Playground as part of our election commitments.

It is important we have a public playground in the Launceston region that caters for children with disabilities, and our contribution ensures this important project goes ahead.

The Discovery Playground will provide a unique play space designed to encourage and foster creative, interactive and social play for all children, and especially for vulnerable children, or those with low mobility, who cannot access standard public playgrounds.

The funding is provided in our Budget and we are pleased to be involved in helping this worthy project come to fruition.

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